Gravesend and District

Registered Charity: 1112523egistered

Company (Musical)
Friday 17th-Saturday 18th May
Thursday 23rd-Saturday 25th May
Director - Kev Heasman
Musical Director: Lysa Wolfe
Choreographer: Karen Heasman
Production Manager: Jane Fenlon
Pianist: Mark Andrew
Bobby: Liam Handley
April: Lauren Mills
Kathy: Emily Briggs
Marta: Niamh Young
Joanne: Ginnie Morris
Larry: Kevin Heasman
Sarah: Emily Lane-Blackwell
David: Dan Pike
Amy: Gemma
Paul: Russell Gruber
Jenny: Sarah Finn
Harry: Ben Wells
Susan: Detta Hannon
Peter: David Ames
Ellesse Cooke, Karen Graham, Ruth Irons, George Morris
Successful. Sophisticated. Sauve. Robert is all of these things. He is also alone. Despite being surrounded by a tribe of emotionally challenged couples, each having their own existential crises. Robert is tethered to them all, but connected to none.
But Robert wants growth and change, a chance to start again. To do so he needs to understand what is making Harry and Sarah’s marriage so dynamic; what is causing Amy and Paul to take the next step; what is preventing Susan and Peter from taking their next step; what David feels about marriage to Jenny; just what does Joanne hide from Larry behind the drink and scorn?
His girlfriends (yes, multiple) aren’t any less confusing. With desires for the familiar, the new, and the chaotic (not all at the same time, not all the same person), settling down with one of these New York City girls might not be the answer he is searching for.
Life is never simple.