Gravesend and District

Registered Charity: 1112523egistered

The Gravesend and District Theatre Guild was formed in 1948 when the various small amateur drama groups in the area formed a central body for support and mutual benefit. In doing so, bringing the best talent and raising the standard of productions.
After many years without a home, the Theatre Guild opened the Guild Theatre at Vale Road in 1991.
The Theatre Guild features performers from our own direct membership at that of four affiliated societies from the area. We became a registered charity in 2006.
It is our aim to establish a thriving community theatre available to amateur and touring professionals companies and a venue suitable for drama, dance, film, and exhibitions.

We aim to produce a wide ranging annual programme with a number of productions every year for our adult members - large cast musicals, small cast musicals, plays, pantos, Christmas concerts, murder mystery evenings or anything else that might take our fancy! See the "What's On" page for details of our upcoming productions.
If you are interested in joining either as a performer, director or helping behind the scenes with set building, lighting, sound, make-up or costumes please contact our Membership Secretary Jane Fenlon on 01474567813 or via the "Contact Us" page.
Whatever your age or skills we would love to hear from you!
The Guild Theatre is lucky enough to have it's very own extensive wardrobe and we therefore have thousands of costumes available to hire.
From one costume to an entire show.
For information please contact Denise McCormick at: wardrobe@gravesendtheatreguild.org
Like many theatre groups, here at the Guild we have also collected a variety of props and furniture across our many years. When these items are not in use we are happy to hire them out!
Get in contact to find out additional details on how to hire, we have much more than we could ever photograph so please don't hesitate to ask what latest items we've got!

Our 2024/25 Committee and other roles:
Chairman: David Ames
Deputy Chair: Gemma D
Secretary: Michael Smith
Treasurer: David Banfield
Membership Secretary (and Everything else): Jane Fenlon
Youth Director: Rhiannon Williams
Premises Manager: Stephen Chambers
Lighting Manager: Ian Phillips
Technical Manager: Dani Baylis
Wardrobe Manager: Denise McCormick
Properties Manager: Tracy Jarvis
Fundraising Manager: Kay Banfield
Marketing Manager: Natalie Morrison
Members' Reps: Mel Loucaides, Karen Graham & Kevin Heasman
Youth Rep: George Duffort
Affiliated Society Rep: Vacant
Programme Members' Rep: Mel Loucaides
President: David Banfield
Bar Manager: David Banfield
Box Office: TBA
Call Boy Editor: Jane Fenlon
Archivists: Laura Vines and Coralie Webster
Website: Gemma Dand
Facebook: Natalie Morrison
Instagram: Rhiannon Williams
Set Building Team: David Banfield, Dani Baylis, James Stevens